Friday, November 30, 2007

Down, but not out

Although I was going pretty slowly, I crashed pretty hard Thanksgiving Day morning on my cross bike. I had to get a ride back to my house from Aaron & Stella. I fell in my riding position going downhill and landed on my right side. Since I impacted in the riding position I never got my arm out to brace for the fall and my elbow punched my ribs fracturing one and bruising a lot more. In all of the years I’ve crashed, fallen off of things, been run over, lacerated, hit, punched, kicked or concussed I have never hurt my ribs. This is an entirely new experience for me. Eights days have gone by and I feel exactly the same as the day it happened. It only hurts if I laugh, sneeze, cough, hiccup, take large breaths, sit, lie down, stand up, fart or make any sudden movements! I normally sleep like the dead, but not this last week. I broke down and did something I loath to do; I started taking narcotic painkiller, but only at night because I just can’t stand the way they make me feel! I’m now very antsy and I’m just dying to go on a moto, road ride, a run or God forbid, even a hike!, but I find myself paralyzed by the fear of making my injury worse.
I feel like such a pussy!

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